Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Pasir Ris Park / Pasir Ris公园

昨天,突然收到了香寄来的照片,勾起了我对这段往事的回忆。具体已记不起是哪一天了,只记得那是在今年新年之前,香约我去Pasir Ris公园骑车。说实在的,我在新加坡那么久,可还真不知有那么一个公园的存在,反而是香比较厉害,这已经是她第二次去了。我们先在地铁站旁的购物中心里吃了点午餐,然后就乘车去公园,哇,还不近呢。

Yesterday, I saw the photos posted by 香on Facebook. It reminded me of the time we spent together at Pasir Ris Park. I can’t remember the date except that it was roughly before the Chinese New Year. She suggested that we could go there to ride our bicycles. It’s seems a shame that I have lived here for such a long time without ever knowing that there was such a place. For 香, this is already her second time of visiting. First, we had our lunch at the shopping mall near the MRT station, then took a feeder bus to go there. It’s still quite some distance.
The park is really huge. We spent a few hours there. It was beautiful seaside with coconut trees. There were also many barbeque pits also. It had the feeling of a holiday resort. There was a seafood restaurant there. The prices were not very expensive and the taste was not bad. As for the service, well… you know what I mean, this is Singapore. We ordered a crab bee hoon and some fried asparagus. I can’t remember how much exactly. I believe it should have been less than S$30/person. Half way through eating, 香found a hair inside our bowl. She called the waitress over, “This is not ours, as mine is yellow color and hers is the curly hair.” The waitress shrugged her shoulders, said nothing except sorry and walked away. 香 was not happy. “If this happened in Japan, the meal would be free.”
Well, what to do? As I mentioned above, this is in Singapore.

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